These changes come in the midst of my own turmoil, not knowing what I want to do with my future, and what I can afford to do. I have recently gotten two jobs, a lovely part-time job at Hooray for Books, a children's bookstore in Old Town Alexandria; and I will also be teaching a writing course, and as I haven't started yet I don't know if it is lovely or not. There is still so much I don't know about what my immediate future holds, but some things are settling into place.
So it just hit me, you should open your own cafe. You could make all sorts of yummy goodness...and maybe have a tie in with good books.
ReplyDeleteI have thought of a cafe - the thing is I really don't want to make a business of it - in a cafe, with a menu (even a flexible one), I have create the same dish, exactly the same, every time - for it to be a success. I am just too much of a pantser for that to be any fun, or even possible, really. I'm more likely to consider a book and tea shop, however the state of publishing is in such flux right now that I don't think that opening an indie bookstore is a wise business move. And then there's the whole broke thing... hard to start any business when you're broke.