the problem of good and evil is presented to all of us, often on a daily basis. what is good? what is evil? are they separable? are they opposites? will we ever really know?
that is not what this post is about... though this blog has been rated...
instead i am going to talk about food... good or evil you have to have it... and i really quite like it... especially holiday food... mmmm, turkey... did you know that the lower figure for what you will eat on Turkey Day is a pound and a half... that is just turkey, not potatoes, or stuffing, or yams, or gravy, or rolls, or cranberry sauce... just the bird.. that is a lot of food... no wonder americans are fat... and evil...
following the link in the comments of Linus's blog to writings on the stall, i was shocked, appalled and amused by turns... truth resides in the oddest places... i found this one to be quite striking, (please excuse the uncharacteristic vulgarity, i believe that it adds in this case, however)...
John Yeats Middle School
Suffolk, Virginia USA 23435
Women's restroom, 1st and only
Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity.
this concise, anonymous statement very accurately expresses my issues with the illogic of the so called "War on Terror"... it makes no sense... and has not proven its own logic... maybe i need another bumper sticker... though possibly edited for content...
life and death are interesting, my mom is dying, i am getting married... some days the craziness of it all just hits me, usually right between the eyes, and i have to stop and just breathe cause that is all i can do and even that is hard... some times it is just moments in a day and then i am fine... it hits at the oddest moments, immoblizing me when i need to act or throwing me into frenzied activity when i need stillness... the joy and pain, often simultaneous, that accompany these events is enormous and i just don't quite have a handle on dealing... maybe i won't ever...
my life lately has been very crazy, i am not sure that will ever change, but the disturbing thing for me is that the important things have seemed to have slipped... i miss walks at night, now i just fall exhausted into bed... i miss cooking for my friends, now i am always at work... i miss enjoying the reading that i have to do for school, now i am only getting about half of it done and it is more of a chore than anything... i miss cuddles with my Mark, but our schedules never seem to mesh... it would make me sad, but i am too damn tired... that should make me angry, but again with the tired thing... so all i get is crazy... and tired... yet somehow i still manage to have moments of extreme joy... ah, lifes mysterys... or maybe... ha, cosmic jokes...
this quote is one of my favorite and has been getting stuck in my head recently so i thought the process of sharing may help to find the purpose for the current stickiness...
...I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
Rainer Maria Rilke, 1903 in Letters to a Young Poet
i don't know if i have a plethora of unresolved questions in my heart, or i am just wondering what the rest of it will be like... either way there is the sticky thought for the day... hope you enjoy it...